Karapyak, Paradise Beach in Pangandaran

- Karapyak Beach is one of the tourist destinations in Pangandaran which is nicknamed "paradise beach". Karapyak Beach is nicknamed Paradise Beach because it has beautiful views with soft white sand and very clear sea water. Karapyak Beach itself is considered the Bali of West Java because the scenery and atmosphere are similar to those in Bali. With a stretch of soft white sand also with coral and rocks similar to those on the beaches of Bali.

Beautiful stretch of white sand combined with rocks on the beach. Also, the exotic natural scenery and cool atmosphere along with the beach breeze make you feel at home on this beach. Karapyak Beach is also the right location to see the sunrise and sunset.

Karapyak Beach is located in Bagolo Village, Kalipucang District, Pangandaran Regency. Karapyak Beach is 7.9 km or about 15 minutes from the Emplak Kalipucang Monument. Or about 19.6 km from the Marlin Pangandaran Roundabout.

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Access to Karapyak Beach is fairly easy. Along the way there are many signposts and transportation to this beach is also quite easy.

Not only spoiled with natural scenery, there are many activities that we can do. Like camping, fishing, outbound, culinary tours or photo hunting. Or, just take a walk to enjoy the scenery around the beach. It's no wonder that Karapyak Beach is an alternative to enjoying a vacation with your family after going through your routine.

To enter Karapyak Beach, you have to spend 95 thousand rupiah for a car. Prices adjust according to the vehicle you use! Karapyak Beach already has many tourist facilities such as inns, hotels or villas. 

There are also many culinary delights that you can find on the coast. Including rest areas, coffee shops, prayer rooms to camping ground.

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